Personal Training, Correctional Exercise & Reiki

Personal Training Mat & Reformer

I see people on a one to one basis in my garden studio in Ellesmere. Once you have completed a full screening questionnaire and supplied any additional information such as consultant reports, X ray, MRI reports and GP reports, we will arrange a mutually convenient date to meet. Before your first appointment I prefer that we have a chat on the phone.

At our first appointment, I will look at your posture first and decide which pilates exercises and stretches are suitable for you. We will work through those and, I will then be able to see your strengths and weaknesses, and how we need to proceed. If you wish to book 5 more appointments I will prescribe a few exercises for you to do at home.

Exercise Therapy

I am a level 4 Correctional Exercise Specialist. Once we have gone through the screening as detailed above, I will decide how best to help you and we will discuss that. If it is a specific injury or dysfunction we will need to release and mobilise the area first and proceed from there.


I use Reiki together with therapy, if requested. Along with the use of breath it is a powerful tool.

Any questions, just call me 07963 289509

Prices for Mat and Reformer

One/First Appointment £50 (Mat) £60 (Reformer)

6 Appointments paid in advance £270 £324

6 Appointments if attending classes £240 £300

Payment by BAC, ask for details, or cash